June 3rd, 2008 will be the 200th birthday of our President, Kentuckian Jefferson F. Davis. A large event will be held in Fairview, his birthplace, next June and our camp should plan on maximum attendance for this momentous occasion. Davis’ Kentucky connections are extensive (much more so than that other WBTS president). Davis lived in Lexington for three years (1821-1824) while a student at Transylvania. The building at the corner of Limestone & High Streets still stands; for many years it housed an establishment called the Jefferson Davis Inn, and is still commonly known by that reference. Davis married a Kentuckian, the daughter of Zachary Taylor, Sarah Knox. In 1886, Davis returned to Kentucky to present the site of the cabin in which he was born to the Bethel Baptist Church. That church still exists, and houses a communion service set given by Davis. This will be the site of our Kentucky Division meeting in 2008. At that time, Davis made the following poignant statement:
"Kentucky, my own, my native land. God grant that peace and plenty may ever run throughout your borders. God grant that your sons and daughters may ever rise to illustrate the fame of their dead fathers and that wherever the name of Kentucky is mentioned, every hand shall be lifted and every head bowed for all that is grand, all that is glorious, all that is virtuous, all that is honorable and manly."
The state of Kentucky is planning to do very, very little to commemorate the bicentennial of the birth of this great native son (while spending millions to let the world know that Lincoln was born here). It is incumbent upon us to right this wrong and make sure that Jefferson Davis is truly and properly remembered by his “native land”. Contact your state legislators and the governor now, demanding that Jefferson F. Davis be honored by Kentucky. To find out how to contact your legislator, go to www.lrc.ky.gov
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